The Dragonriders of Pern : Dragonflight; Dragonquest; The White Dragon

Dragonflight: In return for protection, land Holders and supported the dragonweyrs. But it has been nearly 400 years since the last Threadfall, and some people have come to doubt that the menace will ever strike again. But F'lar, rider of Pern's greatest bronze dragon knows that thread will fall again. And unless the dragonmen find a new Whyrwoman--a woman of sufficient sensitivity & intelligence to bond with a queen dragon - Pern will not survive. Dragonquest: Some weyrs have begun to complain about the privileged status of dragonriders. One suggests that they teleport to the Red Star and destroy the threads at their source The White Dragon: A unique white dragon is hatched, and when Jaxom bonds with it...the course of history is changed.

Nelson Doubleday


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