Reform your inner mean girl

7 steps to stop bullying yourself and start loving yourself

"There is a silent epidemic spreading like wildfire among women--it's in our boardrooms, classrooms, and living rooms on every continent, and it's creating depression, stress, and isolation. Who is this culprit? Meet your Inner Mean Girl, the judgmental, critical, and belittling inner bully that virtually every woman hears running through her mind on a daily basis. The Inner Mean Girl creates undue anxiety, cajoles you into making bad choices, and then berates you when they don't work out. But there is a cure. Reform Your Inner Mean Girl brings an internationally recognized 7-step program that successfully helps women transform their relationships with themselves from self-abusive and self-sabotaging to self-loving. By using a mix of play, humor, creativity, and self-inquiry Reform Your Inner Mean Girl transforms a woman's self-bullying thoughts, emotions, actions, and feelings, and helps her get in touch with a much more powerful voice--her Inner Wisdom. After graduating, women can finally make choices that create more happiness, peace, love, and success"--.

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