environmental aspects

Topical Term
environmental aspects


how modern industrial agriculture destroyed our most alluring fruit
Investigative food journalist Barry Estabrook traces the history of the supermarket tomato, examines the human and environmental impact of having a year-round supply of fresh tomatoes, and discusses the work of a number of people in the industry.

Population, resources, and conflict

Explores the challenges posed by global warming, discussing how climate change might affect water, population, nature, health, and disease, and looks at the role of individuals, as well as government and industries, in finding solutions.

Farming and the food supply

Examines how global warming has impacted farming and the world's food supply, discussing concerns about water, soil, pests, changes in temperature and precipitation, the impact on livestock, dairy, and food production, adaptations in the agricultural sector, and other related topics.


green science projects for a sustainable planet
Provides information about recycling and includes step-by-step instructions for experiments that teach about plastics, solid waste and decomposition, litter, and other related topics.

At home

a short history of private life
The author engages in a series of discussions about various historical aspects of ordinary life while wandering from room to room in his Victorian home in England, covering topics such as hygiene, sex, death, nutrition, the spice trade, and other domestic signs of things that occur out in the world.

Jobs as green builders and planners

Readers will learn constructing a green building is a huge undertaking that requires the efforts of many people. It takes planners; architects and engineers.


the inside story of its role in the September 11th aftermath
Paul J. Lioy, an American environmental scientist, discusses the dust that was released from the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, describing his scientific findings and the environmental impact of the dust, the government focus on asbestos, and suggestions to prepare for future incidents.

Hot, flat, and crowded

why we need a green revolution-- and how it can renew America
Argues that the United States needs to adopt an environmentally friendly national strategy to be healthier, wealthier, and more secure, innovative, and productive.

Adaptation and climate change

A collection of thirteen essays that explore various issues related to climate change, discussing its impact on communities and the environment.


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