Exciting adventures appear at every turn as children are introduced to the history of Jewish Americans, their journey to America and Jewish traditions they observe. The program also covers the geography of Israel and the lives of Jews living there.
Come aboard the good ship Hispaniola and set sail in search of buried treasure in one of Disney's most critically acclaimed adventure classics--presented for the first time in its original, uncut theatrical version!.
A thirteen-year-old girl and her mother gain a much more sympathetic understanding of each other after they somehow switch bodies and lives one Friday the thirteenth.
A shy, gawky fourteen-year-old, leading a normal teenage life, learns that she is heir to the throne of a small European country. With the help of her grandmother she takes on princess lessons and begins a transformation.
Science educator Bill Nye details the history of developments in exploration, discussing clocks, the compass, submarines, telescopes, X-rays and MRIs, and rockets and the space shuttle. Includes an introduction to a student inventor.
Explores the interaction between the human body and viruses by looking at how the immune system works and at what scientists are doing to fight cold and flu viruses.
Contains two dramatized vignettes that provide examples of how students should deal with conflicts with adults, the first involving a classroom argument between a student and a teacher, and the second in which a store owner believes students have stolen from him.
Explores effective ways of dealing with teasing and other forms of harassment through two vignettes: one about a teenage girl harassed by others for her appearance and another in which a softball player is shunned by her team.
Offers advice to students on how to recognize and deal with potential crises, featuring vignettes that show a girl who is feeling suicidal after being dumped by her boyfriend, and a victim of bullying who is threatening revenge.