
Topical Term

UXL encyclopedia of drugs & addictive substances

Provides detailed information on 52 drugs and other addictive substances, defined as illegal drugs, legal addictive drugs and other substances as well as commonly abused classes of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Statistics highlight each entry and sidebars provide information on the legal, historical or social aspects of the particular drug. Difficult words are defined within the text. Appropriate for middle school students.

Mobspotter's encyclopedia

the ultimate guide to the mobs of Minecraft
It's time for adventure! Discover all there is to know about every mob in Minecraft in the official Mobspotter's Encyclopedia: The Ultimate Guide to the Mobs of Minecraft. You'll meet seven expert guides, who are full of stories of their fun experiences, and be taken on a tour to explore every corner of the Overworld. You'll even navigate to the Nether and experience the End dimension, on a thrilling journey to witness all seventy-nine mobs in existence. Discover how to survive a shoot-out with skeletons, dive for treasure with dolphins or risk a run-in with the Ender Dragon--and then start a whole new adventure of your own!.

UXL encyclopedia of weather and natural disasters

A comprehensive survey of weather, weather-related topics, and natural disasters that gives readers the science behind weather events that occur every day.

U?X?L encyclopedia of weather and natural disasters

Provides alphabetized articles, from Avalanche to El Nin?o, on topics related to weather and natural disasters, covering the science behind types of disasters and presenting firsthand accounts of events; and including a list of resources as well as a comprehensive index, a chronology, and a glossary.

Rourke's complete history of our presidents encyclopedia

Chronicles the history of the U.S. presidents, from Richard Nixon to Jimmy Carter, highlighting key events and accomplishments in each administration, and includes an introductory essay on America in the 1970s, profiles of the first ladies, a list of Cabinet members, and a time line.

Rourke's complete history of our presidents encyclopedia

Chronicles the history of the U.S. presidents, from Dwight Eisenhower to Lyndon Johnson, highlighting key events and accomplishments in each administration, and includes an introductory essay on America in the 1950s and 1960s, profiles of the first ladies, a list of Cabinet members, and a time line.

U?X?L encyclopedia of drugs & addictive substances

Presents alphabetized profiles of illegal drugs, legal addictive drugs and other substances, and commonly abused classes of over-the-counter and prescription drugs, covering their histories, effects on the body, typical users, treatment options, consequences of use, and legal issues; and includes illustrations, sidebars, and several reference tools. This volume covers "Marijuana"-"Nitrous Oxide.".

Activists, rebels and reformers

Contains entries that provide biographical information about twenty-four men and women who were influential in bringing about social change in countries throughout the world; and features profiles of one organization also engaged in the struggle. Arranged alphabetically from G-to-M.

Activists, rebels and reformers

Contains entries that provide biographical information about twenty-three men and women who were influential in bringing about social change in countries throughout the world; and features profiles of two organizations also engaged in the struggle. Arranged alphabetically from N-to-Z.

Rourke's complete history of our presidents encyclopedia

Chronicles the history of the U.S. presidents, from George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, highlighting key events and accomplishments in each administration, and includes an introductory essay on the new nation, profiles of the first ladies, a list of Cabinet members, and a time line.


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