During the final hours aboard the Titanic on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, Gavin and Karolina attempt to help others and by so doing learn something about themselves.
During almost four years at sea with her whaling captain father, thirteen-year-old Rebecca finds life both boring and difficult--especially when the ship is nearly sunk by a hurricane.
A brother and sister struggle to survive the rigors of Death Valley after their wagon breaks an axle and they set out alone to find help for their stranded family and injured father.
While spreading flames threaten to cut off all possibility of escape from the Chicago fire of 1871, twelve-year-old Nate attempts to save a wealthy young girl and to return home safely.
When two young strangers meet by chance on the day of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, they struggle to survive the terror of crumbling buildings, fire, looting, and chaos.