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Wheels on the bus

As the rickety old bus collects an odd assortment of passengers in a quaint little town, the reader may join in with the sounds of the bus and motions of the driver and passengers.

Wheels on the bus

Illustrates the children's song "Wheels on the Bus," depicting an ordinary--yet eventful--bus ride through a town in France, and includes the song's score.
Cover image of Wheels on the bus

Shake my sillies out

Animals and campers join together in the woods one evening and shake their sillies, clap their crazies, and yawn their sleepies out. Includes unaccompanied melody.

The Raffi everything grows songbook

a collection of songs from Raffi's album everything grows
Spiral bound. Presents lyrics to the songs in the record album by Raffi, "Everything grows.".

Everything grows

Photographic illustrations and an original song show many different living things and their growth.

Ever green, ever blue

Songs include Our Dear, Dear Mother, Just Like the Sun and Where I live.

One light one sun

Songs include Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Down on Grandpa's Farm, TAke Me Out to the Ballgame and Tingalayo.

Everything grows

Songs include Bathtime, The Mountain Polka, Mary Wore Her Red Dress and Teddy Bear Hug.


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