Douglas, Lloyd G

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What is a wheel and axle?

Introduces the wheel and axle as a simple machine that can make it easier to move heavy objects, as well as to flatten dough.

What is a lever?

Illustrations and text describe different examples of the use of simple machines known as levers.

The American flag

Discusses the symbolism of the flag of the United States, and looks at how it has changed throughout the history of the country.

Let's get ready for Passover

A simple introduction to a family's celebration of Passover.

Let's get ready for Valentine's Day

A young girl describes ways that she celebrates Valentine's day at school and at home.

Let's get ready for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

A young boy and his class learn about and prepare for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Let's get ready for Memorial Day

A girl's class prepares for Memorial Day by learning about the holiday from their teacher and making flags, and later she goes to a war memorial with her father to honor those who died.

The White House

Uses easy-to-read text to introduce the White House as an American symbol.

The Liberty Bell

Uses easy-to-read text to introduce the Liberty Bell as an American symbol.

My hands

Simple text introduces the functions of the human hand, as well as tools that can help people who have no hands.


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