Prince, April Jones

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What do wheels do all day?

Illustrations and rhyming text present examples of many things that wheels do, from whizzing and whirring to racing and towing, depicting several different items with wheels, including cars, bikes, skateboards, and planes.

101 trucks and other mighty things that go

"Discover 101 trucks and other mighty things that go in this colorful romp through town!"--Back cover.
Cover image of 101 trucks and other mighty things that go

Jackie Robinson

he led the way
"Traces the life of the first black Major League baseball player of the modern era, detailing his childhood, his career as an MVP-award winning baseball player, and a hero of the civil rights movement"--OCLC.

101 dinosaurs

and other prehistoric reptiles
Introduces more than 100 dinosaur names and includes a pronunciation guide for each.

You are a reader!

You are a writer!
Illustrations and rhyming text celebrate readers and writers and the way the two are intertwined.
Cover image of You are a reader!

Snowy race

"A girl and her father set out in his snowplow to pick up someone special at the train station during a snow storm"--Provided by publisher.

Quie?n fue Mark Twain?

A brief biography on the life and career of American author and humorist, Mark Twain, that describes his childhood and stories of adventure.

Qui?n fue Mark Twain?

A brief biography on the life and career of American author and humorist, Mark Twain, that describes his childhood and stories of adventure.
Cover image of Qui?n fue Mark Twain?

Goldenlocks and the three pirates

While pirates Papa, Mama, and Baby are away from their seaworthy sloop, Goldenlocks comes aboard and makes herself useful.
Cover image of Goldenlocks and the three pirates

Who was Frederick Douglass?

An illustrated look at the life of African-American abolitionist Frederick Douglass.


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