Richmond, Marianne

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Hooray for you!

Rhyming verses describe many of the reasons for celebrating one's unique qualities.

I believe in you

Through rhyming verses, parents offer words of encouragement to their children to look inside themselves to find what they need to succeed and to let them know they always have someone cheering for them.

Hooray for you!

Rhyming verses describe many of the reasons for celebrating one's unique qualities.

Hooray for you!

a celebration of "you-ness"
Presents a collection of reasons for celebrating one's unique qualities, in simple rhyming verse and illustrations.
Cover image of Hooray for you!

I love my New York valentine

Rhyming text and colorful illustrations celebrate Valentine's Day in New York as the narrator expresses love for someone special using familiar landmarks around the state.
Cover image of I love my New York valentine

Be brave little one

Illustrations and simple, rhyming text encourage the reader to be brave in many situations, beginning with deciding what courage means to oneself.

Be brave little one

Illustrations and simple, rhyming text encourage the reader to be brave in many situations, beginning with deciding what courage means to oneself.
Cover image of Be brave little one

You are my heart

Illustrations and simple, rhyming text reveal the hopes and dreams of a parent which begin even before a child is born, and are demonstrated through shared giggles, wonderment, grumpiness, and, especially, love.
Cover image of You are my heart

Here's to the graduate

wishes for your graduation day!
Expresses the joy of today and promise of tomorrow.
Cover image of Here's to the graduate

Hooray for You!


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