American landmarks

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Historic Boston

Describes Boston's history and takes a look at some of the city's historic buildings, including the state houses, Faneuil Hall, the Old North Church, and Paul Revere's house.

Mount Vernon

Describes the mansion Mount Vernon, its history, and daily life at the estate when George Washington lived there.

U.S. Treasury

Discusses the United States Treasury Department, including the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where money is printed, and the Treasury building, the oldest departmental building in Washington, D.C.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Describes the design and significance of the memorial built in Washington, D.C., to honor the American soldiers who served in Vietnam.

Landmarks of African American history

Explores the influence and contributions of African Americans to the history of the United States through an examination of thirteen historic sites including Jamestown, Virginia, Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina,Harpers Ferry, and the USS Arizona Memorial.

U.S. Treasury

Discusses the United States Treasury Department, including the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where money is printed, and the Treasury building, the oldest departmental building in Washington, D.C.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Describes the design and significance of the memorial built in Washington, D.C., to honor the American soldiers who served in Vietnam.

Mount Vernon

Describes the mansion Mount Vernon, its history, and daily life at the estate when George Washington lived there.

Valley Forge

Describes the hardships endured by General George Washington and the Continental Army during the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Historic Boston

Describes Boston's history and takes a look at some of the city's historic buildings, including the state houses, Faneuil Hall, the Old North Church, and Paul Revere's house.


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