Milios, Rita

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Mystery in Mrs. Mason's class

Strange things occur is Mr. Mason's class till all the children get together to find out what it is.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Provides information about the history, geography and natural resources, government, economy, people, culture, and cities of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country located in central Africa, and includes a calendar of festivals, recipes, and other reference materials.

Sound in the real world

Explores the science concept of sound, human hearing, sound in the animal world, and how this concept is used in technology.

Sneaky Pete

Sneaky Pete proves why he's the champion of Hide and Seek.

Osos, osos por todas partes

An observer of one bear in the air, two bears on the stair, counts all the way up to ten bears huffing and puffing and is relieved that they're full of stuffing.

Osos, osos, aqui y alli

Text in Spanish. An observer of one bear in the air, two bears on the stair, counts all the way up to ten bears. ..

Independent living

Discusses the pros and cons of living on your own, including where to live, finances, and the realities of living alone.

Mystery in Mrs. Mason's Class

The book is used to introduce the general theme The Five Senses.Included teacher's guide, paperback and cassette.

Working together against racism

This book tells you about racism.

Sneaky Pete

Sneaky Pete proves why he's the champion of Hide and Seek.


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