Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, adaptations, and life cycle of four grassland animals: the ring-necked pheasant, termite, wildebeest, and komodo dragon.
Photographs and text provide information about grassland habitats, looking at grasslands in different parts of the world, and describing some of the unique plants and animals that live on the grasslands. Includes a glossary.
Examines the Stegosaurus and other prehistoric dinosaurs that lived in the Plains regions of the world including the Gallimimus, Allosaurus, and Carnotaurus and discusses how the lived and survived.
Describes the climate and plant life of the world's grasslands and introduces several of the animals, including the wildebeest, gazelle, elephant, and kangaroo, that inhabit grassland areas.
Discusses through short essays and poems, ten endangered species that live in grasslands or deserts, including scientific information about each, reasons for its endangered status, and descriptions of efforts to protect it.