(pearl sydenstricker)

(pearl sydenstricker)

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels
Each volume provides discussions of the literary and historical background of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes concise synopses of plot, characters and themes, a brief author biography, discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism.

Pearl S. Buck

A critical analysis of Buck's principal novels written during her last decade beginning with "The Living Reed.".

Pearl Buck

jewel of the East
Felix tries to impress his crush Lily, who was adopted from China, by trying to take her back in time to learn about her native country, but when his twin Maisie catches him, the it is only the twins who are transported to a small village on the Yangtze River during the time just before the Boxer Rebellion, where they are chased by bandits and must flee to Shanghai.

Pearl Buck : Jewel of the East

Felix tries to impress his crush Lily, who was adopted from China, by trying to take her back in time to learn about her native country, but when his twin Maisie catches him, the it is only the twins who are transported to a small village on the Yangtze River during the time just before the Boxer Rebellion, where they are chased by bandits and must flee to Shanghai.
Cover image of Pearl Buck : Jewel of the East

Jewel of the East

After having an argument in the treasure chest room, twins Felix and Maisie are transported to China during the Boxer Rebellion, where they meet a young Pearl Buck who teaches them how to survive as Americans in China.

The big wave

teacher guide
Provides background information, discussion questions, vocabulary, and activities for teaching Pearl S. Buck's "The Big Wave" in grade seven or eight.

Pearl S. Buck

a cultural biography

Pearl S. Buck

a cultural biography
Biography of the Nobel and Pulitzer prize winning author who devoted herself to causes of social justice and women's rights and looks at her attempts to serve as a cultural ambassador between the United States and China.

Pearl Buck, a biographical novel

A biographical novel depicting the life of author Pearl Buck, with a bibliography, a chronology of her works, and a list of the honors she received.


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