
Topical Term

We planted a tree

Simple text reveals the benefits of planting a single tree, both to those who see it grow and to the world as a whole.
Cover image of We planted a tree

A tree is nice

Presents a description of the beauty of trees, in simple text with illustrations, and explains why they are so good to have around.
Cover image of A tree is nice

Annie Glover is not a tree lover

When her grandmother chains herself to the tree across from the school to save it from being cut down, fourth-grader Annie wants to die of humiliation, but when she discovers the town's history, her attitude changes.
Cover image of Annie Glover is not a tree lover

Chicka chicka 1, 2, 3

Numbers from one to one hundred climb to the top of an apple tree in this rhyming chant.
Cover image of Chicka chicka 1, 2, 3

Oak trees

A basic overview of the life cycle of an oak tree.

Tree of life

the world of the African baobab
Text and pictures document the life cycle of this amazing tree of the African savannah, and portrays the animals and people it helps to support.

Leaf jumpers

Illustrations and rhyming text describe different leaves and the trees from which they fall.

Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George plants a tree

The mischievous monkey learns about protecting the environment by planting trees and recycling paper. Includes tips on conserving energy and resources.

Dirty Gert

Little Gert loves to play in the dirt so much that she turns into a tree.

Turning trees into paper

Examines paper-making, the process by which trees are transformed into materials for writing, printing, and packaging.


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