Eversole, Robyn Harbert

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The magic house

April, who sees her house in an imaginative way that can turn the stairs into a waterfall and the living room into a desert, tries to share her vision with her older sister Meredith as Meredith practices her ballet steps.

The flute player =

La flautista
When a flute's owner believes it to be in need of repair, a little girl blows out butterflies, an owl, two fish, a nightingale, green leaves, and a great bunch of goose feathers.

Flood fish

After a strong rain in the Australian outback, a child tries to imagine how the dry riverbed has become full of fish.

The gift stone

Jean, who lives underground in an Australian opal mining town, finds a precious stone large enough to allow her to move into a proper house with her grandparents.

Red berry wool

Lalo the lamb wants to have a bright sweater like the one the shepherd boy wears but Lalo has a very hard time washing, spinning, and dyeing his own wool.
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