board books

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board books

100 animals

a lift-the-flap book
This padded word book showcases bright art to offer very young readers an interactive introduction to learning their first animal words. From the teal and green butterfly fish that lives under the sea to the brilliant blue macaw flying high in the sky, life-the-flaps on each sturdy board page reveal how animals move, behave, survive, and thrive in their natural habitants.

Baby loves lunar phases on Chinese New Year!

"While celebrating Chinese New Year, Baby discovers the science behind the lunar calendar and the phases of the moon"--.

All through my town

Illustrations and simple, rhyming text take the reader on a tour around town.

Touch and feel winter

Introduces winter staples and provides plenty of textures to touch.

Roaring rockets

A simple explanation of how space rockets work, where they travel, and what they do.

Oliver's tree

Oliver the elephant loves playing hide-and-seek but cannot tag his friends, Lulu and Charlie, when they hide in trees, their favorite spots, so they work together to find a tree where all three can play together.

New York

a book of colors
In New York City, you can visit the green Statue of Liberty, hail a yellow taxi, and see blue lights in Times Square. Explore colors all over New York City.

Calling all heroes!

Accented with fabric wings on the cover, a novelty board book for young PJ Masks fans reveals how heroism is less about superpowers and more about kindness, helping others and doing one's best.


a Narwhal and Jelly board book
Narwhal enjoys his big, yellow blanket as a source of warmth and comfort as well as for its ability to become an object of the imagination and a great picnic cloth for sharing time with his best friend, Jelly.


day to zzzz
"Axolotls getting up emerging from the rocks they're getting ready for their day-- woken by their clocks. Spend a day with the cutest smiling amphibians in their anthropomorphized world. Exercise with Flexolotl. Go to work with Lumberjaxalotl. Groove to the music with Saxolotl, and so many more! With silly wordplay, hilarious illustrations, and fun faxolotls, Stacks of Axolotls is the perfect booxalotl for clever kids (and parents)!"--.


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