The light at Tern Rock / Sauer, Julia L

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The Light at Tern Rock

Ronnie and his aunt take care of the lighthouse while the keeper is on vacation, and when he does not return as expected, they discover that Tern Rock is a perfect place to spend Christmas.

The Light at Tern Rock

A boy and his aunt learn the true meaning of Christmas when they find themselves stranded in an isolated barrenlighthouse for the holiday.

The Light at Tern Rock

Ronnie and his aunt take care of the lighthouse while the keeper is on vacation, and when he does not return as expected, they discover that Tern Rock is a perfect place to spend Christmas.

The light at Tern Rock

Ronnie and his aunt take care of the lighthouse while the keeper is on vacation, and when he does not return as expected, they discover that Tern Rock is a perfect place to spend Christmas.
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