Cohen, Barbara

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The carp in the bathtub

Two children try to rescue the carp their mother plans to make into gefilte fish for the Seder.

The chocolate wolf

A chocolate wolf escapes from a candy store and finds himself in a desperate situation with a family of hungry rats.

Even higher

A skeptical visitor to the village of Nemirov finds out where its rabbi really goes during the Jewish New Year, when the villagers claim he goes to heaven to speak to God.

Here come the Purim players!

All the Jews in the Prague ghetto watch a troupe of local players reenact the story of Queeen Esther.

Robin Hood and Little John

Recounts the circumstances of the the first meeting between Little John and Robin Hood.

Fat Jack

Two teenage loners become involved in the senior class play which helps them understand the meaning of friendship and betrayal.

Tell us your secret

A group of aspiring teenage authors attend a two week writers conference where they not only learn about each other but begin to reveal their secret selves.

Unicorns in the rain

An invitation from a stranger on a train takes Nikki to unicorns and the boarding of an ark.

Make a wish, Molly

Molly, who recently emigrated with her family from Russia to New Jersey, learns about birthday parties and who her real friends are.

Thank you, Jackie Robinson

A fatherless white boy, who shares with an old black man an enthusiasm for the Brooklyn Dodgers and first baseman, Jackie Robinson, takes a ball autographed by Jackie to his elderly friend's death bed.


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