Cole, Babette

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A bovine superhero crusades against the evil spreaders of filth and pollution.

Los problemas con mi tio

Uncle, who is a pirate, doesn't fit in with the other members of the yacht club, so he starts his own club, buys a treasure map, and ends up marrying a mermaid.

Winni Allfours

Winni Allfours wants a pony more than anything else in the world, but her parents don't approve. Then Winni gets a brilliant idea.

Lady Lupin's book of etiquette

Lady Lupin undertakes the education of her puppies in the art of manners.

Dr. Dog

The Gumboyle family's dog is also a doctor who cares for their illnesses and gives them tips on health care and hygiene.

Estirar la pata o c?mo envejecemos

A rather eccentric Gran and Grandad retell their dangerous life stories and speculate about what may become of them after they drop down dead.

Los animales me aterrorizan

Tom, terrified of all types of animals, accidently learns he has nothing to fear.

Three cheers for Errol!

Errol the city rat uses his brain as well as his athletic ability when he competes in the Inter-school Ratathalon.

Princess Smartypants

Princess Smartypants doesn't want to get married and she finds a way to thwart all the princes vying for her hand.

The trouble with Gran

Gran, who is secretly an extraterrestrial being, livens up a trip to the seaside taken by a group of school children and senior citizens.


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