Griffin, Adele

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Witch twins and the ghost of Glenn Bly

When the witch twins, Claire and Luna, accompany their grandparents to Scotland, they enlist the aid of an army of ghosts to help save the castle of their grandmother's old friend.

Witch twins at Camp Bliss

When the ten-year-old witch twins head for summer camp, Claire is excited and Luna is reluctant, but things do not turn out quite the way either of them expects.

Witch twins and Melody Malady

Witches Claire and Luna may be identical twins, but on the inside they are as different as night and day, and when their grandmother accidentally turns them into animals, they must find a way to use their powers to help others, despite their new bodies.

My almost epic summer

Stuck babysitting during the summer while her friends take glamorous vacations, fourteen-year-old Irene learns some lessons about life after meeting a beautiful, yet troubled, girl.

The Julian game

In an effort to improve her social status, a new scholarship student at an exclusive girls' school uses a fake online profile to help a popular girl get back at her ex-boyfriend, but the consequences are difficult to handle.

V is for-- vampire

a Vampire Island story
Lexie Livingstone, a vampire-human hybrid living in New York City and trying to gain mortality, faces typical ninth grade dramas like boys and school politics, as well as not-so-typical obstacles like obnoxious pixie houseguests.


Gray hopes that going to a slumber party with the "Lucky Seven" at her private school will take her mind off her mother's cancer, but when she is taken from the party by a deranged woman, both she and the other girls discover things about themselves and each other.

Loud awake and lost

Eight months after a debilitating car accident leaves her with brain trauma and a back injury, amnesiac teen Ember tries to piece together the six weeks of her life leading up to the accident--and determine why none of her friends or family are willing to talk about it.

Picture the dead

A young woman communicates with her brother who died in 1864 in order to find out what happened to her fiance, Will, whom the army said died in battle; and with the help of a spiritualist photographer and the spirit of Will, she attempts to piece together the mystery of what happened.


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