modern history

Topical Term
modern history

Cold War

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that profile fifty men and women who were significant to the Cold War, a period dominated by hostilities between the United States and the Soviet Union, and includes a time line of events from 1939 to 1992.
Cover image of Cold War

World atlas of the past

Charts the global story of humans from 1815 through the 1990s, featuring world, regional, and supplementary maps that provide information about particular areas, themes, and events; and including photographs and illustrations.
Cover image of World atlas of the past


As eleven-year-old Franny Chapman deals with drama at home and with her best friend in 1962, she tries to understand the larger problems in the world after President Kennedy announces that Russia is sending nuclear missiles to Cuba. Features historic quotations and photographs.

Days that shook the world

The Complete Second Season
Through dramatic reconstruction, eyewitness accounts, and archive footage, each episode pieces together the stories of the moments in history - human tragedies, scientific breakthroughs, and calamitous events that have profoundly affected the world.

Superpower rivalries and proxy warfare

The Cold War was a time of ultimate technological military and political competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. Proxy wars were fought between countries supported by one of the two superpowers of the United States or the Soviet Union. The United States and Soviet Union put their powers to the test in the arms race and the space race. This book describes how the landscape of war was forever changed as these formidable forces pursued political power through technology and weapons.
Cover image of Superpower rivalries and proxy warfare

Culture and customs in a connected world

Discusses the cultures and customs of the world since 1945.

Totally wacky facts about modern history

Presents more than 100 facts about modern history in a unique layout that appeals to struggling and reluctant readers.

The expanding world

Presents an inclusive, multidisciplinary look at the rapidly changing world from 300 to 1750 through a combination of reproducible text, maps, timelines, charts, and drawings in loose-leaf format.

The age of revolution

(1750 to 1914)
Presents an inclusive, multidisciplinary look at the age of revolution from 1750 to 1914 through a combination of reproducible text, maps, charts, timelines, and drawings in loose-leaf format.

Causes and effects of 20th-century wars

course companion
Comprehensively covers "World History Topic 11," enabling learners to critically explore historical concepts and strengthens big-picture understanding.


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