
Geographic Name

American Revolution

Provides information on the American war for independence: the battles and leaders, soldiers and heroes, scoundrels and patriots.

Civil War

Provides information on the American Civil War including, the issues that divided the country, the battles that shaped the conflict, and the birth of the reunited states.

America at war

Charts U.S. military conflict over more than two centuries, from the American Revolution to the Iraq War.

Civil War battles

Presents graphic novel depictions of three battles of the American Civil War. Includes a glossary and further resources.

The American Revolution

A thorough examination of the American Revolution, from the acts by Great Britain that helped precipitate it through the beginnings of the new American government. Features on-site battle re-creations, historical archival material, and contemporary commentary.

A young patriot

the American Revolution as experienced by one boy
Presents the memoirs of Joseph Plumb Martin, a fifteen-year-old boy who enlisted in the revolutionary army in 1776, fighting under Washington, wintering at Valley Forge, and staying in the fight until the end of the war in 1783.

The American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812

people, politics, and power
Discusses the key military and nonmilitary figures, battles, and events of the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.

Enduring winter at Valley Forge

a history seeking adventure
An interactive Revolutionary War adventure where the reader determines their role during a critical time in the fight for independence.
Cover image of Enduring winter at Valley Forge

What happened at Lexington and Concord?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord are often referred to as the beginning of the American Revolution in April 1777. However, the towns were also the location of key events both before and after the war. This book provides a detailed look at these famous battles, including the mysterious first shot of the war, also called "the shot heard round the world." Primary sources, interesting sidebars offering more information, and a timeline of the entire war makes this a powerful resource of this period in American history.
Cover image of What happened at Lexington and Concord?


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