subject headings

Topical Term
subject headings

Roget's international thesaurus

An indexed word finder that contains more than 443,000 cross-referenced words and phrases in more than 1,075 categories.

Find the right words with thesauruses

Explains what a thesaurus is, what it is used for, and how to use it.

Sears list of subject headings

Presents suggested headings appropriate for use in the catalogs of small and medium-sized libraries, and provides patterns and instructions for adding new headings as they are required.

A to zoo

subject access to children's picture books
A guide to over 8500 picture books classified by subject and indexed by author, title, and illustrator.

Subject headings for children

a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Dewey numbers added

Headings for children's materials

an LCSH/Sears companion
Provides headings for topics, literary and organizational forms, and names of individuals, corporate bodies, places, works, and so on, that might be needed to catalog a general collection used at least in part by children and readers or viewers interested in popular topics.

Thesaurus Rex

Lizzy borrows a "The Saurus" from the library to help her write her report on dinosaurs, but when a colossal paper Tyrannosaurus unfolds itself from the pages of the book, it requires the Librarian to contain the monster and reclaim the book for the Library of Doom.

What would you do with a thesaurus?

Introduces thesauruses, explaining what they are, how to look up a word, the parts of an entry, and more.


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