A photographic guide to five hundred rifles and machine guns from around the world, discussing the history, technological advancements, and use of firearms, and providing specifications and illustrations for each selection.
"American history has always been interwoven with developments in firearms technology and so is peppered with legendary guns. At the birth of the nation, Americans armed themselves with state-of-the-art long guns to fight their colonial oppressors. Once independent, the young country was drawn into a succession of conflicts, which caused firearms technology to keep pace with weapon design and production demand. The needs of many military campaigns ensured that the nation's gunmakers have remained at the cutting edge of innovation. 50 Guns That Changed America will explore the most significant American weapons from the early days of firepower to the amazing modern guns in use today, including: Simeon North/Hall pistol; Dimick plains rifle; Spencer carbine rifle; Winchester Model 1866; Smith & Wesson Army revolver; Colt Peacemaker; M60 machine gun; ArmaLite AR-18 machine gun. Each firearm is illustrated in full color with archive photography of the manufacturers and the guns in action where possible"--.
Examines the two sides of the debate related to gun control including policies and practices throughout American history, gun laws and legislation, gun safety, and crime and law enforcement.
"Laws and rules are meant to keep people safe. Hunting laws are no different. This exploration of hunting seasons, bag limits, weapon safety, and more is the perfect way to teach such topics to new hunters. This book will help them follow the law and stay safe"--Provided by the publisher.
Shares insider hints, stories from the range and field, and hands-on guidance for the first-time gun owner and the seasoned veteran alike, offering advice on choosing the right gun, increasing shot accuracy, and staying safe.