Hoare, Robert J

Compare Name: 

World War I

A brief survey of World War One, including information on the nations involved, major campaigns and battles, weapons and other equipment, leaders, etc.

World War I

A brief survey of World War One, including information on the nations involved, major campaigns and battles, weapons and other equipment, leaders, etc.

Turn of the century

World War Two

an illustrated history in colour 1939-1945
Illustrations and brief text provide an introduction to the major campaigns, battles, and other events of the Second World War.

Turn of the century

an illustrated history in colour, 1899-1913
Brief text and numerous illustrations describe major events, personalities, and ways of life in various parts of the world from 1899 to 1913.

World War One

an illustrated history in colour, 1914-1918
A brief survey of World War One, including information on the nations involved, major campaigns and battles, weapons and other equipment, leaders, etc.
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