lessons learned from my life on set with the Sopranos and in the film industry
"An inside look at the film industry for fans, students, and aspiring professionals. This account of starting at the lowest rung on the production ladder among enormously famous & outrageously demanding people has interesting insights and gossip. Married and with a child, the author takes unpaid gigs to get a foot in the door, and eventually ends up working on all seasons of The Sopranos. The show's setting and its creator's insistence on accuracy placed the native New Jersey author in the right place at the right time to become part of television history, and to witness the effects of sudden fame and acclaim on the show's principal players. Includes many stories about guest stars, as well as the cast, including new tales of James Gandolfini. Woven in is a personal story of home life and strife, achievement and frustration, anxiety and accomplishment. The book's epilogue brings readers up to the moment as the author, after many more years as an anonymous everyman, eventually enjoys outsize professional success as executive producer of the HBO hit series created by Mike White, The White Lotus.