interactive multimedia

Topical Term
interactive multimedia

Justice, policing, and the rule of law

The maintenance of liberty and equality requires a legal system in which the police are constrained by the ruleof law. This book examines the need for security officials to understand and respect the rights of individuals and groups and to use their power in a manner that benefits communities, rather than repressing them. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

How coding works

Explains the process programmers use to write code, including concepts such as algorithms and programming languages. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

French explorers

An exploration of the lives and achievements of French explorers. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.


An introduction to forest evolution that describes renewable and nonrenewable resources, and discusses the importance, management, and conservation of forest resources. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Las precipitaciones

Provides information about precipitation, discussing its role in the water cycle, looking at types of precipitation, and covering the problems of too much or too little rain, cloud seeding, meteorology, and other topics. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.


An introduction to reptiles covering life cycle, reproduction, traits, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Los caballos

Text and photographs look at horses. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

El agua

An introduction to water, covering where it is found, how it shapes the earth, the water cycle, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Los oc?anos, lagos, y r?os

An introduction to oceans, lakes, and rivers that discusses their role in the water cycle and examines how water is used and protected and includes a quiz and an activity. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

World War II

An introduction to World War II, covering leaders, soldiers, battles, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.


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