study and teaching

Topical Term
study and teaching

The complete idiot's guide to learning Spanish on your own

A self-help guide to learning Spanish, discussing the basic structure of the language, featuring phrases for every occasion, and including quiz questions and answers, a dictionary, and an index.

In search of understanding

the case for constructivist classrooms

The blue book on information age inquiry, instruction and literacy

A resource for school library media specialists that discusses various aspects of information inquiry, covering theoretical and practical aspects of information literacy teaching and learning, and presents columns from "School Library Media Activities Monthly" on more than fifty "Key Words for Instruction.".

Rural Studio

Samuel Mockbee and an architecture of decency
Looks at the architecture program at Auburn University, known as the Rural Studio, and shows how director Samuel Mockbee has honored his belief that architecture should be an ethically responsible profession by putting students to work creating homes for the poor in Alabama.

Censored books II

critical viewpoints, 1985-2000
Presents over sixty essays in which the authors present opinions and defenses of frequently challenged and/or censored books from the period between 1985 and 2000.

Only a theory

evolution and the battle for America's soul
Discusses the concept of intelligent design (ID), addressing its claims of irreducible complexity and looks at related philosophical issues and the problem of replacing modern science with a theistic science that could adversely influence society.

Student government and class activities

leaders of tomorrow
Examines the positive effects of cocurricular activities on the development of character, focusing on participation in student government, discussing the function of student government, its role in establishing school climate, methodsof fundraising, and other opportunities for leadership.

Vocal and instrumental groups

making music
Explores various vocal and instrumental music opportunities available for students, discussing how students can get involved and the rewards involvement has.

An educator's guide to information literacy

what every high school senior needs to know
An educator's guide that addresses information literacy in grades nine through twelve; providing lesson plans, assessments, and exercises correlated to AASL and ACRL standards.

Brain friendly school libraries

Presents a guide to aligning school library programs and instructional practice with research on the key concepts of brain-compatibility learning.


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