
Geographic Name

The undertow

scenes from a slow civil war
"[The author] explores the powerful currents beneath the roiled waters of a nation coming apart. Across the country, men "of God" glorify materialism, a gluttony of the soul, while citing Scripture and preparing for civil war--a firestorm they long for as an absolution and exaltation. Lies, greed, and glorification of war boom through microphones at hipster megachurches that once upon a time might have preached peace and understanding. Political rallies are as aflame with need and giddy expectation as religious revivals. Framing this dangerous vision, [the author] remembers and celebrates the courage of those who sing a different song of community, and of an America long dreamt of and yet to be fully born, dedicated to justice and freedom for all"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The undertow


living and dying in ancient Rome
"Living in ancient Rome was one of the most intense experiences in human history. It was also superbly and vividly recorded by Rome's historians and poets, who were acutely aware of the seething and voluptuous nature of the city that ruled the known world. [This book] takes the reader on a . . . journey through the landscape of politics, crime, domestic life, faith, sex, entertainment, cuisine, disease, and inequality experienced daily by Roman people of all social strata. Revealing what it meant to eke out an existence in servitude, live in luxury in the imperial palaces, enjoy a day at the races, riot in the streets, make do in a tenement block, plot to assassinate an emperor, worship any one of a multitude of gods, witness an imperial triumph, and commemorate the dead, this powerful story of the people of ancient Rome"--Provided by publisher.


Siddhartha undergoes a series of experiences in ancient India on a quest for the ultimate answer to the enigma of humanity's role in the world, and emerges in a state of peace and wisdom.


the scandalous rejection of my Hasidic roots
A memoir in which the author describes her journey from living in an insular community of Hasidic Jews, where she was raised by her strictly religious grandparents, to an alternative life of independence and freedom.

Lao Tzu

Tao te ching : a book about the way and the power of the way
A new English translation of the ancient Chinese text, "Tao Te Ching," begun in the 1950s by novelist and poet Ursula Le Guin, capturing the poetry of the language and written to be accessible to modern-day men and women.

Ancient Egypt

tales of gods and pharaohs
Relates nine stories about ancient Egypt depicting the mythology and history of the Egyptian civilization which are brought to life through comic-style illustrations.

The hero with an African face

mythic wisdom of traditional Africa
Identifies and explores elemental ideas found throughout the mythologies of Africa, and compares and contrasts the local expressions of those ideas; concentrating on mythologies present before wide-scale contact between Africa and the Christian and Muslim worlds, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa.

Religion, ritual and African tradition

"Addresses general aspects of the elusive realm of African religious experiences, using selected examples of evidence of how Africans have acted in their encounter with the unknown world from ancient times. Religious concepts and symbolisms such as identifying the "supreme being", the supernatural, spirits and spiritualism, ancestral veneration, ritual and ritual objects and obligations, kinship and community relationships, spirit possession, libation, divination, festivals and festivities, birth, initiation, marriage and death rites, notions of witchcraft and witches, are discussed"--Provided by publisher.

The best guide to eastern philosophy and religion

Presents an introduction to a variety of Eastern faiths and philosophies, including Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, examining the beliefs and practices associated with each religion, and includes a look at the less popular religions of Shintoism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism.


When Siddhartha, a prince, journeyed outside the palace gates and saw suffering, he began his journey to enlightenment that lead him to become Buddha.


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