Understanding global issues

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Land abuse and soil erosion

Describes soil degradation from erosion, contamination, and intensive agriculture; presents diagrams of soil structure; and discusses sustainable agriculture, the efforts of national governments to protect soil, and future needs for soil protection.

The revolution in genetics

Discusses advances in the study of genetics, such as the discovery of DNA, the Human Genome Project, agricultural biotechnology, and genetic engineering, and looks at the ethical implications these technologies present.

World fishing

Traces the history of the world's fishing industry and explains how it has been affected by various social, political, and economic issues.

Renewable energy resources

Explores renewable energy sources--particularly wind, water, and solar power--on a global scale, covering the cost, output, and environmental impact of non-renewable sources and the future role of renewables.

The globalization of trade

Explores the concept of trade in developed and undeveloped countries, discussing the World Trade Organization, free trade versus protectionism, and the environmental impacts of free trade.

Healthy cities

improving urban life
Examines the urbanization of the world's population, discussing the growth of megacities, model city planing, projects and plans that deal with clean water and proper sanitation, the health of city residents, and the urban economy.

The energy dilemma

Explores the energy crisis on a global scale, covering the environmental, political, social, and economic implications of dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Saving the natural world

Examines the large scope of habitat destruction around the world including deforestation and the depletion of endangered species, and describes ways in which science is helping to halt this destruction.

International law

Presents a brief study of international law, the basic documents that define international law, and the issues that may make international law difficult to enforce.

Avoiding gridlock

Explores problems related to dependence on cars; looks at ways of reducing that dependence, including city planning and mass transit; and discusses how cities around the world are addressing gridlock, pollution, and other transportation problems.


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