Fay, Gail

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Using money

Provides an overview of various topics related to using money, including the importance of saving money, how banks work, the pros and cons of credit cards, online banking, how to create a budget, and more.
Cover image of Using money

Economies around the world

Explains what an economy is and how it works, discussing different types of economies at work in various countries around the world, looking at what money is used around the world, and including case studies, photographs, charts, diagrams, and quiz questions.
Cover image of Economies around the world


the ultimate teen guide
Presents information on sports-related issues, practical tips, and resources for high school athletes, including baseball, tennis, soccer and more.

Secrets of Mesa Verde

cliff dwellings of the pueblo
"Describes the archeological wonder of Mesa Verde, including discovery, artifacts, ancient peoples, and preservation"--.

Battles of the Civil War

An illustrated introduction to the American Civil War that focuses on major battles, discussing how and why it began, the bloodiest day of the war, the turning point in the war, and how it ended.


Offers a brief overview of the life of Pocahontas, including a timeline, family tree, and glossary.

Malcolm X

A biography of African-American civil right activist Malcolm X.

Using money

Text and photographs describe checking and savings accounts and the various ways that people use their money.

Economies around the world

This book describes different types of economies around the world and how do they impact the global society.
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