Food chain reactions

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What if there were no bees?

a book about the grassland ecosystem
Focusing on the value of biodiversity and preservation, this book explains what would happen to a grassland ecosystem if bees disappeared.
Cover image of What if there were no bees?

What if there were no gray wolves?

a book about the temperate forest ecosystem
Discusses the temperate forest ecosystem and the animals that live in them, and follows the chain reaction if one of the animal species is lost. Focuses on the importance of gray wolves.

What if there were no lemmings?

a book about the tundra ecosystem
Discusses the importance of each animal in the tundra ecosystem, and looks at what would happen if lemmings were to become extinct.

What if there were no sea otters?

a book about the ocean ecosystem
Discusses the importance of each animal in the ocean ecosystem, and looks at what would happen if sea otters were to become extinct.
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