gold discoveries

Geographic Name
gold discoveries

California gold rush!

An introduction to the California gold rush.

Staking a claim

the journal of Wong Ming-Chung, a Chinese miner
A young Chinese boy nicknamed Runt records his experiences in a journal as he travels from southern China to California in 1852 to join his uncle during the Gold Rush.

Life during the Gold Rush

Explains the California gold rush, including how it started, what kind of equipment prospectors used, and the social changes caused by gold rush.

The California gold rush

Follows the development of the gold rush in California starting in the 1840s and discusses what routes gold seekers took to reach California, how the gold rush contributed to the growth of San Francisco, and how it was first discovered at Sutter's Mill.

Gold rush

Tells the story of the gold rushes of Canada, with information on the reasons for the value of gold, and how to pan for gold.

The Klondike fever

An account of the Klondike Goldrush beginning in 1897.

La fiebre del oro en California

Presents an accounting of the 1849 California Gold Rush written in graphic novel format.

Golden quest

As they mingle with the gold miners in their parents' dining hall, eleven-year-old David and his younger sister are caught up in the debate about California statehood and slavery.

The gold rush to California's riches

Presents an overview of the events of the California Gold Rush of the mid-nineteenth century and explaining its impact on the discovery and exploration of the American West. Includes links to additional documents, illustrations, and resources.


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