finance, personal

Topical Term
finance, personal

Lo necesitas o lo quieres?

Simple text helps children learn the differences between needs and wants and the role each plays in daily life.

The financial diet

a total beginner's guide to getting good with money
A guide to personal finance that will help teach budgeting skills, stocking a budget-friendly kitchen, talking to friends about money, investing, and more.

Should kids get an allowance?

Explores the pros and cons of children receiving a monetary allowance.
Cover image of Should kids get an allowance?

Less than zero

While trying to save enough money to buy a new ice scooter, Perry the Penguin learns about managing his money and about negative numbers.
Cover image of Less than zero

Do I need it? or do I want it?

making budget choices
An introduction to budgeting that explains how to make a budget and stick to it, how to decide if something is a need or a want, why it is important to have a budget, and how to save and spend money wisely.
Cover image of Do I need it? or do I want it?

Jobs for kids

the guide to having fun and making money
Discusses the advantages of working and offers tips on assessing your talents and abilities, finding a job, acting responsibly, handling disasters, and setting prices.
Cover image of Jobs for kids

I'm broke!

the money handbook
An introduction to personal finances that provides advice, facts, and quizzes on budgeting, saving, banking, the economy, loans, investments, credit cards, and more.
Cover image of I'm broke!

101 ways to be smart about money

Lists 101 ways to be money smart, looking at inventive ways to save and spend, and including tips on avoiding scams and pitfalls.
Cover image of 101 ways to be smart about money

Paying without money

Discusses what banks do and explains how people can use checking accounts, debit and credit cards, travelers' checks, and electronic transfers to pay for things instead of using cash.


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