Foster, Genevieve

Compare Name: 

George Washington

A brief biography of the Commander-in-Chief of the American forces during the Revolution and first President of the new country.

Year of independence, 1776

Year of Lincoln, 1861

A survey of world events and prominent people during the year that Lincoln was first elected President and the Civil War began.

Year of independence, 1776

Augustus Caesar's world

a story of ideas and events from B.C. 44 to 14 A.D.
Parallels comparative religious, social, and political forces which characterized and influenced the Roman Empire during the period just preceding and just following the birth of Christ and examines contemporary events in Greece, Israel, Egypt, China, India, Rome, and Persia.

Year of Lincoln, 1861

A survey of world events and prominent people during the year that Lincoln was first elected President and the Civil War began.

The world of Columbus and sons

Tells the story of Columbus and his sons and discusses world history during the Renaissance and the Reformation.

The world of Columbus and sons

Tells the story of Columbus and his sons and discusses world history during the Renaissance and the Reformation.

Augustus Caesar's world

Parallels comparative religious, social, and political forces which characterized and influenced the Roman Empire during the period just preceding and just following the birth of Christ. Examines contemporary events in Greece, Israel, Egypt, China, India, and Persia as well as Rome.

The world of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631

A historical survey of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, examining the people, places, and events that gave color to the seventeenth century during the lifetime of the Englishman who helped map, chart and settle the New World.


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