

Lewis and Clark

Discusses the contribution made by the two men who in 1804-05 led an exploring expedition across the Oregon Territory to the Pacific Ocean.

The essential Lewis and Clark

Contains excerpts from the travel journals of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.

Dog of discovery

a Newfoundland's adventures with Lewis and Clark
A detailed account of the Lewis and Clark expedition features the dog that was its most unusual member. Selections form the actual journals of Lewis and Clark appear throughout the text.

Lewis and Clark

Tells the story of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, discussing their boyhoods and their experiences as leaders of an expedition to explore the western part of North America in an attempt to find a trade route to the Pacific Ocean.

Of courage undaunted

across the continent with Lewis and Clark
An account of the resourcefulness and courage of Lewis and Clark on their journey through the wilderness from St. Louis to the Pacific. Written from original records and diaries of the expedition.

Lewis and Clark's continental journey

This book describes the difficulties and what was learned on the expedition Meriwether Lewis and William Clark organized in the 1800s to explore the western part of North America.

Meriwether Lewis

boy explorer
Relates events from the childhood and youth of the boy who grew up to become an explorer of the American West.

Meriwether Lewis

Chronicles the life of American explorer Meriwether Lewis, describing his famous expedition with William Clark as well as his years as Thomas Jefferson's secretary and the governor of the Louisiana Territory.

Lewis and Clark

Presents an introduction to the lives of explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, discussing their important role in the history of the United States.

How we crossed the West

the adventures of Lewis & Clark
Uses quotes from the travelers' own journals to tell the story of the 1804 expedition undertaken by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to search for a river route to the Pacific Ocean, and features illustrations based upon descriptions from the journals, as well as drawings and paintings of the time.


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