Haslam, Andrew

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Ancient Egypt



North American Indians

Introduces the lifestyles, traditions, and cultures of Native American peoples from 500 years ago to the present. Includes instructions for craft projects and model making.
Cover image of North American Indians


Explores the process of making and reading maps, from using sticks and clay to plot early routes, to satellites that circle the globe. Includes activities for making your own maps.


Introduces basic facts about the human body with instructions for related experiments and projects.

Ancient Egypt

Examines the lives and culture of the people of ancient Egypt, discussing the Egyptian landscape, clothing, society, homes, work, food and drink, games, inventions, travel, beliefs, and other topics; and includes instructions for a variety of related craft projects.


Hands-on experiments introduce such structures as skyscrapers, dams, keystone bridges, igloos, and lock gates and show the materials used, the method of construction, and the source of strength.

North American Indians

Provides instructions for making models of things used by indigenous peoples of North America throughout the development of their thousand-year-old civilization.

Ancient Egypt : hands-on approach to history

Information about clothing, transportation, food, religion, and many other aspects at life in Ancienct Egypt.


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