


Follows Mohandas Gandhi's life, from his birth in a nation under British rule, to his nonviolent and civil disobedience beliefs that lead to his country's freedom.


the young protester who founded a nation
An illustrated biography of Mahatma Gandhi, a political reformer known for his nonviolent methods, and a principle leader in the drive for the independence of India from British colonial rule.

Mohandas Gandhi

A brief biography of Mohandas Gandhi, focusing on his school years, marriage, his life in England and in South Africa, and other topics.
Cover image of Mohandas Gandhi

Gandhi: his life and message for the world

Describes the life and teachings of the man who led India's struggle for freedom and was assassinated in 1948.
Cover image of Gandhi: his life and message for the world

Mohandas Gandhi

A brief biography of Mohandas Gandhi, focusing on his school years, marriage, his life in England and in South Africa, and other topics.
Cover image of Mohandas Gandhi


Chronicles Indian nationalist leader Mohandas Gandhi's life, describing his early years in Gujarat, his work for social reform and for India's independence, his assassination, and the influence of Gandhi and nonviolent resistance on others such as Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela.

Grandfather Gandhi

In this uniquely personal tale, the grandson of the famed human rights activist Mohandas Gandhi recounts how his grandfather taught him to turn darkness into light.

Keeping corner

In India in the 1940s, thirteen-year-old Leela's happy, spoiled childhood ends when her husband since age nine, whom she barely knows, dies, leaving her a widow whose only hope of happiness could come from Mahatma Ghandi's social and political reforms.

Mahatma Gandhi

march to independence
Mahatma Gandhi's commitment to peace and nonviolent resistance helped to secure India's independence, and came at a great personal cost. Gandhi's writings and protests, including the famed 1930 Salt March, have served as a blueprint for activists who recognize the power of peaceful protest. This book reveals Gandhi's story and includes historical information about Gandhi's effect on India and South Africa.
Cover image of Mahatma Gandhi

I am Gandhi

A biographical graphic novel about Mahatma Gandhi, discussing his childhood, his life's work and dedication to peace, and more.


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