Presents the processes of glassmaking through the ages from where in began in ancient Egypt, through the cathedral stained-glass windows of the Middle Ages, and to the modern use of glass to make such things as telescope lenses.
Lonely and isolated, twelve-year-old Oliver Parker's longing for friendship and a little adventure materialize one winter Paris evening when he looks into a mirror and is swept away to the Palace of Versailles and into the court of the Window Wraiths, where he becomes their ruler.
Lonely and isolated, twelve-year-old Oliver Parker's longing for friendship and a little adventure materialize one winter Paris evening when he looks into a mirror and is swept away to the Palace of Versailles and into the court of the Window Wraiths, where he becomes their ruler.
Presents a description of how sand is turned into glass, in simple text with illustrations, describing the process, step-by-step, from how it is cooked into liquid, then blown into glass.