people with social disabilities

Topical Term
people with social disabilities

Rising class

how three first-generation college students conquered their first year
"This eye-opening YA narrative nonfiction follows three first-generation college students as they navigate their first year--and ultimately a global pandemic"--Provided by the publisher.

Teaching, learning, and trauma, grades 6-12

responsive practices for holding steady in turbulent times
"Provides teachers and administrators with the tools they need to create predictable, healthy, relationship-based school cultures, so that they may effectively increase student learning and bring joy back to their vocation"--Provided by publisher.

How far do you wanna go?

the true story of the man who turned 16 inner city kids into a team of champions
Tells the true story of Ramon "Tru" Dixon and how he came to be involved in creating a little league baseball team from a group of underprivileged kids who might otherwise be heading for a life of crime and gang violence.

Lives on the boundary

the struggles and achievements of America's underprepared
The author's account of teaching America's "underprepared" and of his personal journey from a Los Angeles ghetto to a major research university.

Infections and inequalities

the modern plagues
Examines inequalities in the distribution and outcome of infectious diseases, asking why the poor are more likely to be targeted by modern plagues such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.

A framework for understanding poverty

Identifies the factors that cause poverty, including the lack of financial, emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical resources; and guides educators and others in understanding poverty and counteracting its effects in the classroom and community.

Other people's words

the cycle of low literacy

A framework for understanding poverty

a cognitive approach
Takes a cognitive approach to class and generational poverty; examines and names the experiences of living in poverty, middle class, and wealth; identifies myths about poverty and wealth; details findings about interventions, resources, and causes of poverty, and emphasizes the thinking, communication, and learning patterns involved in breaking out of poverty, with case studies, resources, and more.

Beating the odds

a teen guide to 75 superstars who overcame adversity
Discusses the adversity faced by successful people, such as Mitch Albom, Salman Rushdie, and Jodie Foster, as they pursue their dreams, and explores social issues such as religious prejudice, medical conditions, eating disorders, and poverty.


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