Family matters

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You, your friends and your family

Provides information to young people about relationships, looking at some of the conflicts that can arise between teens, their families, and their friends; and discusses different ways of solving problems. Includes a list of helpful organizations.

You and violence in your family

Provides facts and real-life stories that explain what family violence is, why it happens, what can be done about it, and where to go for help. Includes a glossary, and resources for additional information.

You and the rules in your family

Provides information for young people about family rules, looking at some common situations teens and parents face, and discussing the kinds of rules that might apply to those situations. Includes a list of helpful organizations.

You and an illness in your family

Provides information for young people on how to deal with an illness in the family, discussing some of the emotions involved, and explaining the importance of self-care; and includes a list of helpful organizations.

You and your parents' divorce

Provides information for young people about divorce, discussing some of the emotions and situations kids experience when their parents split up, and includes a list of organizations to call for help.

You and a death in your family

Provides information for young people about death, discussing some of the common feelings people experience when they lose a parent, grandparent, sibling, or pet; and explains the funeral service and emotional aftermath. Includes a list of helpful organizations.
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