comic books, strips, etc

comic books, strips, etc

The 14th Dalai Lama

a manga biography
A graphic novel biography of the fourteenth Dalai Lama, the leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Journey into Mohawk Country

An illustrated children's version of the journal of a young Dutch trader, Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert, who journeyed into the land of the Iroquois Indians, a Mohawk tribe that controlled the trade routes in the area, in 1634, seeking to bolster the Dutch trade in what is now New York State.

Mendel's daughter

A graphic novel in which Martin Lemelman recounts his mother's childhood in 1930s Poland and her escape from Nazi persecution.

Benedict Arnold

American hero and traitor
Presents a brief biography of American traitor Benedict Arnold in graphic novel format, and describes both his heroism and his betrayal during the American Revolution.

Matthew Henson

Arctic adventurer
Presents a short biography of African-American explorer Matthew Henson written in graphic novel format, and focuses on his attempts to reach the North Pole with Robert Peary in the late nineteenth century.

The curse of King Tut's tomb

Presents a comic book version of the story of the discovery and excavation of King Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922, and the myth of the curse that afflicted those involved in the tomb's exploration.

The adventures of Marco Polo

Presents a comic book version of the story of thirteenth-century explorer Marco Polo's journey to China, describing some of the things he saw while in the service of Kublai Khan.

Amelia Earhart

legendary aviator
An account of the life and career of early female aviator Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean, and who disappeared in 1937 during what was supposed to be a round-the-world flight. Presented in graphic format.

Benjamin Franklin

an American genius
Presents a graphic novel that describes the life of Benjamin Franklin, who was a printer, an inventor, and a statesman.

Jane Goodall

animal scientist
Tells the life story of primatologist Jane Goodall in graphic novel format, describing her youth in England, her work in Africa, and her discoveries about the behavior and intelligence of chimpanzees.


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