combustion, spontaneous human

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combustion, spontaneous human


A humorous exploration of friendship, goodbyes--and spontaneous combustion.

Fire Force

"Takigi Oze, detective in the army's Criminal Investigation Division and brother to Company 8's own Maki, investigates a case that takes him into the Nether. When he almost doesn't make it out alive, his father--the general--decides it's time for the army to do something about the Evangelist. The general enlists the help of the Special Fire Force, but adds one more demand: Maki must return to the military"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"Now that the Evangelist's goons have joined the battle, Company 8 and Haijima must join forces to keep the Sixth Pillar from falling into worse hands. But Haumea is up to her usual tricks, and unless Arthur can intervene, her mind control may lead to a nuclear meltdown..."--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"After their shocking discovery at the Oasis, Company 8 is forced to keep quiet while the top brass decide what to do with the information they obtained. Meanwhile, tired of all the secrets, the mysterious Joker teams up with Company 7's Captain Benimaru to fight a common foe: the leaders of the Holy Sol Temple!"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"Shinra and the other soldiers working Operation Chinese Landing have arrived at the Oasis, a mysterious forest thriving in the middle of a barren wasteland. But what's even more surprising than the talking animals that live there is the edifice at its center--a power plant identical to the miracle machine that provides energy for the Tokyo Empire. Can the team find out the secrets of this Tabernacle before the Infernal invaders destroy the whole forest?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"It's a battle to get the Fifth Pillar, but Company 8 has more than just the Evangelist's goons to deal with--a massive Infernal outbreak has set the entire city on fire! While the Fire Force works tirelessly to extinguish the blaze, Shinra fights an uphill battle against the powerful Charon. Will he be able to save Inca? Or will the Fire Force drown in a sea of flames?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"Shinra has experienced another Adolla Link, but this time it has allowed a mysterious girl known as the 'First Pillar' to take over his mind. He claims to have given up on being a hero and now wants nothing but revenge. Can Arthur bring Shinra back to his senses, or will the Knight King have to slay his old rival?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"Now that Company 8 has learned that Haijima Industries is using children in an attempt to spark an Adolla Burst, Shinra is eager to put a stop to their heinous practices. To infiltrate their facilities, he agrees to let them study his own powers, and now he must face one of the ghosts of his childhood--the evil Kurono, a twisted pyrokinetic with enough power to rival the toughest soldier on the Fire Force"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"After receiving a near-fatal injury from his brother Sh?, Shinra's life is saved by the healing fire soldiers of Company 6. When he wakes up from his coma, who should appear before him but Leonard Burns, captain of Company 1. He's ready to tell Shinra about the fire that took his family 12 years ago, but can Shinra handle the truth?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force

Fire Force

"Shinra has found Sh? at last, and he's eager to rescue him from the clutches of the Evangelist. But Sh? has no memory of his older brother, and refuses to accept the possibility that the two of them are related. Shinra's only choice is to beat Sh? up and drag him home, but how can he defeat someone who has the power to stop time?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fire Force


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