In the chaotic turmoil that follows the Boov invasion of Earth, eleven-year-old Gratuity Tucci finds herself driving her mother's car to Florida, where all of the humans are being relocated, with her cat and a renegade extraterrestiral named J. Lo as her copilots.
After his mother's disappearance, Charlie became a bullied loner, obsessed with UFO sightings, so when new student Seth wants to be his friend, Charlie is suspicious.
Discusses various cases around the world in which people claim to have seen or been abducted by aliens, and covers reports and testimony of occurrences that are either denied or argued against by the government, psychologists, or other scientists.
When her mother is abducted by aliens on Christmas Eve (or "Smekday" Eve since the Boov invasion), 11 year-old Tip hops in the family car and heads south to find her and meets an alien Boov mechanic who agrees to help her and save the planet from disaster.
Twelve-year-old Gratuity "Tip" Tucci is left to fend for herself after Earth is colonized by aliens and her mother is abducted, and must try to stop another alien invasion with only the help of a cat named Pig and an alien named J. Lo.
When his neighbor claims she was abducted by "alien doughnuts from outer spastry," an astonished Arnie discounts the story until he is abducted himself, a situation that prompts a daring escape plan.
"Best friends Lexie and Lamar love math . . . [and] their skills come in handy when they're abducted by a six-legged extraterrestrial named Fooz. Then they find themselves trapped on an alien planet! They'll need to solve problems that require finding patterns, making estimates, and deciphering codes if they ever hope to return home again"--Back cover.
As Blithedale searches for a missing girl, rumored to be abducted by aliens, a group of high school students experiences a series of romantic relationships and their effects on friendships.
"Engaging images accompany information about alien abductions. The combination of high-interest subject matter and narrative text is intended for students in grades 3 through 8"--.