A manga adaptation of the sixth book in the Cirque du Freak series, in which Darren Shan, the vampire's assistant, is betrayed by Kurda, reacts to the brutal slaying of Gavner, and is branded a traitor and hunted by the vampire clan.
Betrayed by Kurda and reeling from the brutal slaying of Gavner, the vampire's assistant, Darren Shan, finds himself branded a traitor and hunted by the vampire clan.
Betrayed by Kurda and reeling from the brutal slaying of Gavner, the vampire's assistant, Darren Shan, finds himself branded a traitor and hunted by the vampire clan.
Betrayed by Kurda and reeling from the brutal slaying of Gavner, the vampire's assistant, Darren Shan, finds himself branded a traitor and hunted by the vampire clan.