agricultural industry

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agricultural industry

Food, Inc. 2

inside the quest for a better future for food
This companion book to the sequel of the 2008 documentary "Food, Inc." examines the latest developments to reverse our dysfunctional food system through the efforts of innovators, scientists, journalists and activists.

Using computer science in agribusiness

Describes how computer science and coding are used in agriculture, and examines how technology has changed the agriculture business. Readers will learn how to enter the industry and what kind of education is needed for this specific field.

Food routes

growing bananas in Iceland and other tales from the logistics of eating
"Media attention to food features inventive and charismatic chefs, the rise of farmer's markets and of food deserts, GMO controversies, the power of culture in cuisine, diet fads, and so on. But how does food, be it industrial or small scale, local or international, nutritious or unhealthy get to our plate? This book shows us how. Stories that inform us about how food moves from the producer to the consumer are only just appearing and are timely relative to the developments in food distribution. Without understanding the complex and adaptive global food supply chain, consumers, policy makers, and the food industry fail to appreciate the full range of opportunities for innovation. Farmers are increasingly engineers, farms are becoming enclosed vertical structures or laboratories with no plant or animal in sight. Food may arrive on our plates from food printers, lab dishes, or from our very own farms that produce personalized food in our homes. The possibilities and consequences are only now becoming visible"--Provided by publisher.

The growing season

how I built a new life- and saved an American farm
Sarah Frey shares her story of growing up poor on her family's farm, and at the age of seventeen, taking control of the farm and turning it into a billion-dollar farming business.

Chef Yasmina and the potato panic

"Yasmina isn't like the other kids in her city. Maybe it's the big chef hat she wears. Or the fact that she stuffs her dad's lunchbox full of spring rolls instead of peanut butter and jelly. She might be an oddball, but no one can deny that Yasmina has a flair for food. All she needs to whip up a gourmet meal is a recipe from her cookbook and fresh vegetables from the community garden. But everything changes when the garden is bulldozed and replaced with a strange new crop of potatoes. Her neighbors can't get enough of these spuds! And after just one bite their behavior changes--they slobber, chase cats, and howl at the moon. What's the secret ingredient in these potatoes that has everyone acting like a bunch of crazed canines? Yasmina needs to find a cure, and fast!"--From the publisher's web site.
Cover image of Chef Yasmina and the potato panic

Career information center

Presents information and lists further resources on jobs in agribusiness, environment, and natural resources, covering earnings and benefits, outlook, working conditions, and education and training requirements; and provides tips on r?sum?s, applications, interviews, and networking.
Cover image of Career information center

The industrial food complex

Explore the controversies, challenges, and solutions involved in providing food in our world today.
Cover image of The industrial food complex

Opportunities in farming and agriculture careers

Provides an overview of the agriculture industry, including a discussion of environmental issues impacting career choices and descriptions of various career options.

The omnivore's dilemma

the secrets behind what you eat
An adaptation of the book by Michael Pollan for young readers. Follows the path of food from its source to its final meal to discover what Americans eat and its economic, health, and environmental impact.
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