tombouctou (mali)

Geographic Name
tombouctou (mali)

Blood and ink

Kadija is the music-loving daughter of a guardian of the library in the ancient city of Timbuktu, Ali is a former shepherd boy, trained by Islamist militants--and both are caught up in the war in Mali and on opposite sides of the stuggle to save the sacred Sufi manuscripts that the militants want to destroy.
Cover image of Blood and ink

Trouble in Timbuktu

Ignoring her parents' wishes, as well as the customary place of women in Timbuktu society, twelve-year-old Ayisha joins her twin brother in trying to stop a pair of tourists from stealing an ancient manuscript.

Daily life in ancient and modern Timbuktu

Examines the history of the city of Timbuktu, or Tombouctou, from its time as a camping site for nomadic Tuaregs through its prominence in the sixteenth century to the current decline it faces.

Hacking Timbuktu

a novel
London sixteen-year-old Danny Temple and friend Omar use their computer and parkour skills to elude pursuers as they follow clues in an Arabic manuscript to the mysterious cliffs of Bandiagara in sub-Saharan Africa seeking an ancient treasure.
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