Sickels, Amy

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Laura Ingalls Wilder

Tells the life story of children's author Laura Ingalls Wilder, describing her youth in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and other places with her family; her marriage to Almanzo; and her books about pioneer life in nineteenth-century America, which chronicle her experiences during her childhood and young adult years.

Walter Dean Myers

An introduction to Walter Dean Myers, author of "Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff," "Hoops," and "Monster," discussing his childhood in West Virginia and Harlem, his speech problems and troubled school years, his discovery of reading, and why he decided to write for young people.

Richard Peck

Profiles the personal and professional life and career of American novelist, Richard Peck, who is known for his novels dealing with traumatic topics such as teen suicide and rape.


the story of J.K. Rowling
A biographical profile of J.K. Rowling, creator of the Harry Potter series of children's books, showing how she overcame personal tragedies and difficult odds to realize her dream of becoming a writer.
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