saint paul (minn.)

Geographic Name
saint paul (minn.)

Growing an inch

Donny Cunningham faces difficult challenges when his mother dies leaving him to raise his siblings while his father tries to stay a step ahead of gangsters.

Finding Laura Buggs

Sandy Meyer sets out to learn the truth about her past and find her lost family, never suspecting that once she finds her birth parents she will be pulled into a world of treachery and evil.

Night prey

Lucas Davenport investigates a series of stabbing murders, while still recovering from his near-fatal wounds of the year before and at the same time trying, for once in his life, to settle down with one woman.

She needed me

a novel
When Walter, a Bible-carrying member of a fanatical protest group called the Conscience Squad, meets Kim whose twenty-three, pregnant, and with no money, outside an abortion clinic, Walter has to grapple with his feelings for Kim and his religious beliefs.

The latehomecomer

a Hmong family memoir
A memoir in which Kao Kalia Yang, born in Thailand's Ban Vinai Refugee Camp, shares the story of her family's escape from Laos, their experiences in refugee camps, and their struggles adjusting to American life and learning after settling in St. Paul, Minnesota, when she was six years old.

Beyond the burning cross

the First Amendment and the landmark R.A.V. case
Discusses the case involving two teenagers who placed a burning cross on the lawn of a black couple who had moved into a white neighborhood.

Little Cricket

After the upheaval of the Vietnam War reaches them, twelve-year-old Kia and her Hmong family flee from the mountains of Laos to a refugee camp in Thailand and eventually to the alien world of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Protecting hate speech

R.A.V. v. St. Paul
Examines the issues the Supreme Court case R.A.V. v. St. Paul that resulted when St. Paul, Minnesota tried to ban hate speech.

Red River girl

In a diary covering the years 1846 to 1848, a young Metis teenager describes her journey from St. Eustace, Qu?bec, to St. Paul, Minnesota, where she settles with her family and decides to become a teacher.


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